High Systolic Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is one of the simplest parameters to assess the state of human health. High or low blood pressure will make us tired, uncomfortable even lead to many dangerous complications. The blood pressure index consists of two components, the systolic and the diastolic pressure. In particular, the Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) usually receives the most attention.

1. What is systolic blood pressure?

When measuring blood pressure, especially with electronic devices, we often see two indicators are the maximum blood pressure - also known as systolic blood pressure, and minimum blood pressure - also known as diastolic blood pressure. . However, not everyone understands what these blood pressure indicators mean.

Systolic pressure is the pressure of blood on the arteries when the heart contracts. This figure is always the most concerned, because showing the ability of the heart to pump blood to the organs. Specifically, in every heartbeat, the amount of blood being expelled from the heart leaves the body, the pressure of that amount of blood placed on the wall of the artery called systolic blood pressure.

What is systolic blood pressure
Systolic pressure is the pressure of blood on the arteries when the heart contracts

Systolic blood pressure depends on the force of the heart to contract and the volume of blood each beat. The stronger the heart is contracting or the more blood is expelled, the higher the systolic blood pressure and vice versa. When measuring blood pressure with a manual sphygmomanometer, the first audible heartbeat when the cuff is released marks the systolic blood pressure.

At the time of hearing the last heartbeat before it can no longer hear is diastolic blood pressure. This is the blood pressure on the artery walls as the heart relaxes and this number is often overlooked, because it only reflects the resilience of the artery walls, which is difficult to change.

The difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure holds a certain difference to create perfusion pressure for the organs. However, this difference should never be equal to or below 20 mmHg. If below this number, the doctor will identify this as a case of clamping blood pressure and will conduct emergency treatment.

2. Causes of High Systolic Blood Pressure

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3. What is the normal systolic blood pressure reading?

Systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels are particularly important for the proper functioning of vital organs such as the heart, brain and kidneys as well as for overall body health. In particular, the meaning of systolic blood pressure is the basis of perfusion for the organs to function properly.

So what is the normal systolic blood pressure? According to the World Health Organization, normal systolic blood pressure levels are between 90 mmHg and 140 mmHg.

The doctor will diagnose us with hypertension when systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg or more and / or diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or more.

4. How dangerous is the systolic blood pressure disorder?

Systolic blood pressure when it is stabilized reflects the circulating volume in the body, the blood is pumped regularly to the organs. In the event of sudden increase or decrease in systolic blood pressure, the body is uncomfortable and sometimes leads to dangerous diseases.

For sudden increase in systolic blood pressure, patients will experience severe headache, shoulder and neck pain, tachycardia, chest pain, shortness of breath, blurred vision ... Measurement of blood pressure indicates a rapid increase in systolic blood pressure , can be up to 200 mmHg or more. If not intervened in time, excessive systolic blood pressure can damage blood vessels in the brain causing stroke, blockage of blood vessels that feed the heart, causing heart attacks or respiratory failure due to pulmonary edema, acute kidney failure, rupture of the aorta and easily lead to death.

5. Control systolic blood pressure like?

Because hypertension or hypotension affects health. Therefore, everyone needs to know how to keep their blood pressure stable. Patients with hypertension should follow the doctor's treatment, take medication regularly daily and follow-up appointments periodically. In parallel with this, it is also essential to actively build a healthy lifestyle.

In particular, diet plays an extremely important role. Encourage eating plenty of high-fiber foods like brown rice, green vegetables, and ripe fruits. Do not eat fat, animal organs, processed and high-salt products such as pickles, pickles, braised sauces, and sauces. Quit smoking, limit alcoholic beverages such as beer and alcohol.

Eat plenty of high-fiber foods like brown rice, green vegetables, and ripe fruits to control your systolic blood pressure steadily

In addition, patients should also exercise regularly, keeping a reasonable weight will help the arteries elastic, even in the elderly, to help ensure normal blood flow and blood pressure. Besides, knowing how to relieve stress, relax, meditate, practice yoga and have a good sleep also helps lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease and death.

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Particularly for people with low blood pressure, should drink more water and eat salt than normal people as well as many nutrients, enough meals, a variety of vitamins. Patients should also do moderate activities, get enough sleep, avoid overwork or sudden change of position. When sleeping, head should be low, feet high.

Lastly, one of the most important things to keep in mind is to regularly monitor your own blood pressure and your loved ones' blood pressure, to know your health condition and to intervene promptly, to avoid unfortunate consequences.


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